2021北京画廊报告 会长致辞
北京画廊协会会长 李兰芳谈到,
《2021北京画廊报告》对北京面廊协会的会员单单位画廊从2021年度经营状况、经营品类与渠道、合作艺术家、从业人员、年度展览、艺博会、新藏家及宣传推广八个部分进行调研,系统梳理并呈现北京画廊行业2021年的整体情况,总结行业所面临的挑战和机遇。此份报告的意义与价值是,依托行业协会的优势,反映北京以及中国画廊行业头部机构的整体情况,为需要了解中国画廊业的各界人士提供一份专业化、全面化、视觉化的数据报告。2021年,协会会员单位的画廊市场销售额增加至约10亿2千7百万元人民币,相比2020年增长近30%这样的销售成绩,反映了疫情之后市场的逐步回暖,同步给予行业信心。 据报告内容提及,会员单位销售当代艺术油画外的品类的画廊有所增加,在代理艺术家的涉猎年龄层及背景经验上,均呈现更加多元化的超势。 其次,高质量、高学术水准的展览,在疫情控制之下带动了行业的线下复苏。根据数据统计,有86%的画廊自有空间内展览有策展人,有78%的北京画廊在 2021 年与其他学术机展览机构对外展览以及其他形式的展览。与此同时,近90%的北京画廊都参加了艺博会,有近三分之一的画廊参加了海外艺博会。伴随画廊展览与艺博会的回归,2021年画廊的线上销售有一定程度上的同比下降。 国内艺术品一级市场在2021 年整体表现稳中求好,画廊行业的发展也在诸多的不确定因素之下积极的调整应对策路,坚持中国的文化立场,立足于当代中国的文化发展现状,稳步前行。在后疫情时代经济内循环的大背景下,呈更加多元化发展态势,提供满足人民日益增长的美好生活需要的文化内容。在未来,我们的报告会持续带动画廊行业创造性转化、创新性发展,见证中国艺术市场与文化行业的未来。关于北京画廊协会北京画廊协会是经业务主管单位原北京市文化局审查同意,北京市民政局正式批准登记(社证宇第0011652号),2011年10月25日正式成立,由北京市优秀画廊单位自愿组成的行业性、学术性和非营利性社会团体,是目前国内规模与影响力最大的画廊行业协会。 作为艺术品一级市场的画廊业是艺术品市场不容忽视的力量和持续健康发展的基础。自成立 以来,北京画廊协会见证了中国当代艺术的迅猛发展,在原创当代艺术领域,北京既是艺术家聚集密度最大的城市,也拥有内地数量最多、品质最精、交易最活跃的当代艺术画廊。 仅北京画廊协会成员单位,每年就有数百场艺术展推出,不但与众多美术馆的展览形成互补 共生的关系,共同构建起北京这个活力四射的艺术市场,同时也在全国范国内引领和推动当代艺术创作、创新和收藏。 北京画廊协会第四届领导成员名单会长:李兰芳 副会长:董梦阳 伍劲 王新友 李颖 李宜霖房方 秘书长:池刚 副秘书长:林松 北京画廊协会第四届监事会成员名单监事长:程昕东 监事:李剑光 陈昕 北京画廊协会第四届理事会成员名单李兰芳 艺•凯旋画廊 伍劲 玉兰堂 王新友 偏锋画廊 李宜霖 亚洲艺术中心 董梦阳 艺术北京 李颖 艾米李画廊 房方 星空间 夏季风 蜂巢当代艺术中心 萧富元 索卡艺术 陈海涛 站台中国当代艺术机构 郑林 当代唐人艺术中心 林正 山艺术•北京林正艺术空间 张悅悦 麦勒画廊 迟丽萍 东京画廊 +BTAP 田原 空白空间 2021北京画廊报告ArtPro致辞ArtPro总裁兼CTO武健谈到,ArtPro很荣幸能够再次跟北京画廊协会合作,参与到 《2021 北京画廊报告》的出版工作中。在此,ArtPro向《2021 北京画廊报告》顺利出版表示热烈祝贺,向所有为编纂出版付出辛勤劳动的行业贤达和工作人员表示诚挚敬意! 对于北京画廊协会,2021年是硕果累累的一年。画廊从业者们克服了以疫情为代表的诸多 困难,为中国艺术品一级市场的蓬勃发展做出了卓越的贡献,ArtPro作为行业内一线的互联网平台,对此更是有着更加深刻的感受。 自2020年开始,我们开始向过去十年里的互联网高红利时代挥手道别,转身迎来新的数宇 经济时代。行业内很多在2020年初露头角的理念、意识和尝试,都在2021年有了长足的发展和进步。从展览来看,其形式更加多样化、线上呈现能力更加丰富、交互能力更强,同时,围绕着展览的内容制作水平也快速上升,内容质量更好、传播范围更大、受众层次更深,这些现象无疑都是艺术行业在蓬勃发展、水平在快速上升的有力证明。除此之外,画廊在数字化信息化互联网化方面的持续努力,也让更多人通过快速,高效,低成本的方式接触艺术、了解艺术进而加入艺术行业,最终为艺术生态带来了新鲜的血液和生命力。 ArtPro团队成长在互联网环境,有幸加入艺术行业,致力于通过自己的技术特色给艺术行业的生态建设添砖加瓦。在过去的一年中,ArtPro 与北京画廊协会和画廊从业者们有很多的互动与合作。正是由于你们的鼎力相助,才使得 ArtPro 能够更加快速的学习和成长、能够在新的领域不断探索,为行业为生态贡献一份绵薄之力。同时,ArtPro也坚信,在未来前进的道路上,我们的关系会更加的紧密,合作会更加的顺畅,共同取得的成果也一定会更加的显著。 关于ArtProArtPro致力于在艺术行业构建一流服务平台,协助广大藏家和艺术从业者更快捷地获取艺术家及艺术品相关信息,同时提供一系列决策支持及查询工具,辅助艺术品研究和交易,让欣赏艺术品更加轻松、交易艺术品更加简单。 ArtPro数据服务ArtPro收集和整理全球艺术品创作、收藏及市场交易信息,包含1983年以来的全球1300 余家拍卖行,超过2000万拍卖结果数据、并持续更新;量化分析艺术家作品市场流通情况,整理艺术家师承体系、生平履历、创作风格和作品款识特征信息,立体呈现作品价值信息和市场表现。 ArtPro内容服务媒体中心生产并聚合艺术市场信息,聚焦全球头部拍行、画廊、美术馆、艺术博览会,及时提供最新的艺术市场资讯、专家解读、投资参考和艺术市场分析报告;媒体中心还打造了覆盖全球的新媒体矩阵,粉丝数量近百万,以多样化的内容形式,让更多人接触并了解艺术。 ArtPro交易服务通过探索未知交易空间、构建新型交易模式,一方面聚焦于为新艺术家发展和成长提供平 台,另一方面致力于为潜在用户提供有吸引力的交易类产品。借助ArtPro的交易服务能力,让海量用户走入了艺术领域,共同学习和成长。 三年时间里,ArtPro已迅速成长为全球领先的艺术市场信息和服务平台,服务了全球超过30万超高净值用户和超过 200万对艺术行业感兴趣的新兴用户;ArtPro 持续与全球顶级拍行、画廊、博览会展开全面合作,屡次获得Sotheby"s、Christie"s、Philips、嘉德、保利等国际全球顶级拍行独家官方推荐。 2021 Beijing Gallery Report-Address By Li Lanfang,President of the Art GalleryAssociation BeijingADDRESS BY PRESIDENTThe Beijing Gallery Report 2021 surveyed the members of the Art Gallery Association Beijing through eight aspects: operation/business condition, products" variety and source, artists represented, staff, exhibition program, art fairs participated, collector relationship management, and advertisement. This survey aims to review and showcase the overall condition of the art gallery industry in 2021 Beijing, summarizing the industry"s challenges and opportunities in the last year. The value and significance of this report are, by utilizing the advantage of the association, to offer a general overview of the top-ranking galleries and to provide a professional, comprehensive, and visualized set of data reports for anyone who wishes to learn more about the gallery industry in China. In 2021, the total sales of the members of the association witnessed a spike to approximately CNY 1,027million, an increase of nearly 38.8% compared to 2020.Such sales also reflect the market"s gradual recovery after the pandemic, boosting the industry"s confidence.According to the report, there was also an increase in the sales of mediums other than paintings at our members" galleries. It also saw a trend towards greater diversity in the age group and background of the artists represented. Secondly, exhibitions of academic quality have also assisted in recovering the industry under the depression of the pandemic.According to statistics, 86% of galleries hired curators to curate exhibitions for their spaces, and 78% of galleries in Beijing have collaborated with other institutions for exhibitions and more. At the same time, 90% of galleries in Beijing have participated in art fairs, with nearly one-third participating in overseas art fairs. However, with the return of gallery exhibitions and art fairs, there is a decline in online sales for galleries in 2021 compared to last year. The overall performance of the Chinese primary art market in 2021 is steadily improving, and the gallery industry is actively adjusting its coping strategy under many uncertainties, adhering to China"s cultural stance and steadily moving forward based on the current state of cultural development in contemporary China.In the context of the economic internal circulation (a domestic cycle of production and consumption) in the post-epidemic era, a more diversifying developmental trend is revealing itself, providing cultural content that meets the growing needs of the people for a better lifestyle. In the future, our report will continue to help foster the creative transformation and innovative development of the gallery industry and bear witness to the future of China"s art market and cultural industry. ABOUT Art Gallery Association BeijingArt Gallery Association Beijing (AGA Beijing) was formally established on October 25, 2011, approved by the former Beijing Municipal Bureau of Culture as the original department in charge and ocially registered by the Beijing Municipal Civil A-airs Bureau (SZZ No. 0011652). AGA Beijing is the industrial, academic and non-pro_x001D_t social group organized by major gallery members of volunteers in Beijing. Nowadays AGA Beijing is the largest and most influential gallery industry association in China. Since its establishment, AGA Beijing has been witnessing the rapid growth of Chinese contemporary art. At the end of original contemporary art, Beijing is the city with not only the most popular artists but also the largest number of quality and active contemporary art galleries in China. Along with those exhibitions in museums, there are hundreds of art exhibitions in galleries held by the members of AGA Beijing every year, which support the prosperous art market of the city and furthermore the leadership nationwide to promote contemporary art on creation, innovation, and collection. Leading Members of 4th AGA BeijingPresident :Li LanfangSecretary-Genera :Dong Mengyang, Wu Jin, Wang Xinyou, Amy Li, Alan Lee , Fang FangVice President:Chi GangDeputy Secretary-General:Lin SongBoard of Supervisors of 4th AGA BeijingChief Supervisor:Cheng XindongSupervisors :Li Jianguang, Chen XinCouncil of 4th AGA BeijingLi LanfangTriumph Gallery Wu JinLine Gallery Wang XinyouPIFO Gallery Alan LeeAsia Art Center Dong MengyangArt Beijing Amy LiAmy Li Gallery Fang FangStar Gallery Xia JifengHive Center for Contemporary Art Fuyuan HsiaoSoka Art Center Chen HaitaoPlatform China Contemporary Art Institute Zheng LinTang Contemporary Art Lin ZhengMountain Art & Frank Lin Art Center Zhang yueyueGalerie Urs Meile Beijing Chi LipingTokyo Gallery + BTAP Tian Yuan White Space Beijing ADDRESS BY ARTPRO2021 Beijing GalleryReport- Address by Jian Wu,President and CTO of ArtProArtPro is proud to once again collaborate with the Art Gallery Association Beijing and participate in the publication of the Beijing Art Gallery Annual Report 2021. ArtPro would like to congratulate on the successful publication of the report and express our sincere respect to all the professionals and staff who have worked so hard on it. For the Art Gallery Association Beijing, 2021 was a fruitful year.Art gallery practitioners overcame many difficulties represented by the epidemic and made outstanding contributions to the flourishing development of the Chinese primary art market. ArtPro, as a first-tier Internet platform service provider in the art industry, experienced a profound realization of this situation. Since 2020, we have entered a new era of the digital economy, saying goodbye to the high profits in internet-related industries in the past decade.Many ideas, concepts, and attempts that first emerged in 2020 grew significantly in 2021.In terms of exhibitions, we have seen more diversified forms, richer online presentation capabilities, and outstanding online interaction capabilities. At the same time, the level of content production around exhibitions has been increasing rapidly, with better quality content, a more comprehensive distribution range, and a deeper audience level, all of which are undoubtedly strong evidence that the art industry is flourishing.Moreover, many art galleries have put continuous efforts into digital informatization, which enabled more people to access art, understand art, and join the art industry in efficiently and cost- effectively way, ultimately bringing fresh blood and vitality to the ecology.Growing up in the Internet environment, the ArtPro team is fortunate to join the art industry. It is committed to adding to the ecology of the industry with our technical strength. Over the past year, ArtPro had fruitful cooperation and interactions with the Art Gallery Association Beijing and gallery practitioners. Thanks to all your support, ArtPro has been able to learn and grow more quickly, explore new areas, and contribute to the ecology of the industry.ArtPro firmly believes that, in the future, our relationship and cooperation will become even closer and smoother, and the results of our collaboration will be more remarkable.About ArtProArtPro is committed to constructing a leading platform for services in the art industry, assisting collectors and people in the art industry to quickly gain information about artists and artworks. It also provides a series of decision support and query tools to facilitate art research and sales, making appreciating and trading art more accessible. ArtPro"s Data ServiceArtPro collects and sorts of information on international art creations, collections, and market shares, covering more than 20 million auction results from more than 1300 auction houses worldwide since 1983, and is continuously updating. It quantifies and analyzes the circulation of artists" works, organizing each artist"s characteristics, including art roots, biographies, creative styles, and signatures, comprehensively presenting an artwork"s value and market reception. ArtPro"s Content ServiceThe media center produces and aggregates art market information, focusing on the world"s leading auction houses, galleries, museums, and art fairs, and provides timely, most up-to-date art market information, expert analysis, investment insights, and market analysis report. The media center has also created a new media matrix with global reach. It has attracted almost a million followers, allowing more people to access and understand art through various content. ArtPro"s Trading ServiceBy exploring unknown trading spaces and building new trading modes, ArtPro focuses on providing a platform for the development and growth of emerging artists on the one hand. Also, ArtPro is dedicated to creating appealing trading products for potential customers on the other hand. With ArtPro"s trading service, a large number of users have entered the art field to learn and grow together. In three years, ArtPro has rapidly grown into the world"s leading platform for information and service of the art market, serving over 300,000 ultra-high-net-worth users and over 2 million emerging users interested in the art industry worldwide; ArtPro continues to cooperate comprehensively with the most prestigious auction houses, galleries, and art fairs around the world have exclusively received official recommendations from leading international auction houses, including Sotheby"s, Christie"s, Philips, China Guardian, Poly, etc.